
Increase Your Talent Retention Through Cross-Cultural Onboarding and Mentoring

Cross-Cultural mentoring was originally designed to help student moving from one country to another to learn and reflect about the new experience and to support international students in their adjustment. The main focus of mentoring is to help a mentee in migration and language issues and to prepare for academic and personal success. The role of the cultural mentor is to help organize and drive the intercultural learning process of the mentee, which requires significant intercultural knowledge and skills.

Cross-cultural mentoring is no longer limited to the context of education abroad and the process is considered now to be preferable for many kinds of relocation abroad, whether international assignees, humanitarian aid workers, service learners, or others who work and communicate within a multicultural environment.

Mentoring of new employees from different cultural backgrounds is also an important step in helping new team members adapt to the organizational value and to absorb the processes and culture within an organization.

Cross-cultural mentoring offers the opportunity to learn about others perspectives and expand your own. It broadens the mindsets for both the mentor and the mentee and is considered to be one of the most effective ways to transfer knowledge and to increase talent retention.

How can we help you?

More Connection through Cross-Cultural Onboarding and Mentoring

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